Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Status of my Reading

      Here I sit, on the floor of my bedroom again, wondering what I shall write about next. Should I outline where I am in my readings? 
  1. The Dark Tower- I'm nearing the end of this crazily intense book. They're finally closing in on the epitome of their quest- The omnipresent Dark Tower, the nexus of all existence. At the point I've read to, Roland and Susannah have traveled into the White Lands of Empathica, a snowy tundra plagued by blizzards. 
  2. Empire of the Sun- The war is over, yet Jim is still lost alone outside Shanghai- although aided by parachutes of food dropped by B-29's piloted by Americans. 
  3. The Diary of Anne Frank- I bought this over the last week from a book fair at school. I've wanted to read this for a while, and upon seeing it I thrust it into my parent's hands and made them buy it for me, even though I have more than enough money for it. *snickers* Anyway, it's fascinating to see the perspective of someone who actually experienced the Holocaust, rather than the textbook definitions many people live by. 
  4. Dune- Realizing I haven't picked this one up for more than a week or two, I don't have much to say on this one. Just goes to show what happens when I read multiple books at once. Well, Thanksgiving break is coming up soon, so I should be able to put in some reading time. Hopefully.

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