Sunday, November 25, 2012

An Accidental Time Traveler

     I did it again... I bought another book without finishing several others. 11/22/63, by Stephen King, a time travel story about, if you didn't guess by the date, the Kennedy assassination. Yesterday, I went to Target to shop for an iPad Mini. They had sold out, so I wandered about the store, before finding myself in the book section of the store. The first item I laid my eyes on, the new edition of the Hobbit (which is pretty awesome indeed), I decided not to get as I already have two copies. I did the same with the new editions of Lord of the Rings.. although I have only one copy of The Two Towers.

      Then I saw the 11/22/63 sitting by its lonesome on the bottom shelf, somewhere about halfway down the aisle. I ran down and snatched it up before anyone else could get to it (even though I had been the only person in around).

     This brings me to a total of four books underway.. and still a few yet to get around to. When will the madness end?

Long days and pleasant nights,

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