Friday, November 2, 2012

My Own Personal Book-Store

      If I were to own a book-store (an idea I find interesting), It would be a place not only to buy books, but also to hang out, have a deep conversation, or maybe check the latest newspaper articles. A place where you can find someone willing to hear your opinion, or maybe to give some friendly advice.

      In front of the store would be several tables where people could sit, read, or chat. In the corner would be a television set to the news, in the back of the shop would be rows of shelves containing all the best books, classics and the most recent, and also several newspapers and magazines (not including celebrity gossip magazines). I would have some quiet music playing from a radio. Maybe in another corner I would have a small cafe where I could serve sandwiches and coffee to customers. Nothing grand or glamorous, just a small counter where I could make a few small, basic sandwiches, a stove for items such as grilled cheese that need to be cooked, and a coffee-maker (one that could also make iced coffees too- those are the best).

      I'd love it to be in an older brick building- one old enough to have a sense of history, but not so old that it needs more repairs than it's worth. It would give off a kind of atmosphere that would be pretty cool along with the books and sandwich/coffee corner.

      Sounds cool, right?

Long days and pleasant nights,

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