Thursday, November 22, 2012

Be Thankful!

      Today's post is somewhat unrelated to literature, books, or anything of the sort. Today, here in America, it is Thanksgiving. We gather our families together for the sole purpose of being thankful, and engorge ourselves to the point at which we have to loosen the belts a bit. We have just one day in which we are encouraged to be thankful for our many blessings. After today, we drift back to our lives in normal fashion. We complain about work, we complain about school, we bicker back and forth about political ideas, and we are generally only encouraged to be thankful on this one day.
      Why must we only be thankful one day out of the year? Why can't we be thankful all the time, every day? I know, you can't be happy all the time, but you can't always be unhappy either. It is very easy to focus on the negatives, and not being thankful for what you have going for you can do nothing but hurt you. We all have things to complain about (like my incessant back pain, or how math seems like an alien language), but look on the bright side- we don't have to fear for our lives on a daily basis, we won't be killed simply for having an opinion, and we can live assured that for the most part we will have the basic necessities.

      Okay... I've exhausted myself for today. Be happy, be thankful, and don't hurt yourself.

Long days and pleasant nights,

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