Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Me, The Vaguely-Omnipotent Blogger

      With this post, I'm going to do a sort of 'profile' of myself. Have fun!

      What can I say about myself? I'm seventeen years old, in high school. I do enjoy writing, but I'm terrible about getting around to doing it (I'm trying to challenge myself by posting something every day). I can be opinionated about certain things, but I prefer not to be very outspoken about those opinions. I can be described as a 'nerd'- I like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc; I'm into computer-stuff, and I am a huge bookworm. Certain things do set me apart from other people (I believe)- I prefer cold weather to hot weather, I'm actually pretty anti-social outside school, I can be very stubborn, I listen to classic rock music (The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Beatles, etc), I would rather use Windows (or a Linux distribution) than a Macintosh.
       I love, love, love keeping up with events around the world. I'm obsessed with world history, and I want to really keep up so I can recount to my children and grand-children what life was like in the crazy beginnings of the 21st century. It would be cool to keep a video diary so my descendants can actually see me in my youth, but alas, I have neither the video camera nor the patience.
      What do I want to do with my life? I have no clue. I'm thinking about going more into social sciences in college, and seeing what happens after that. Maybe living in a small town all my life, one where I know everybody, and where I could walk to all the places I needed. Maybe opening my own little business. I wouldn't be able to do the whole big-city thing. I can't handle the unadulterated chaos, the constant bustle, and the noise of the city. That's just me, I guess, and I'm just fine with that.
      Is that enough? I hope so- I'm out of anything to say.

Long days and pleasant nights,

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