Thursday, October 25, 2012


     Hello fellow Interneters! I should think that introductions are in order, right? Well, I'll try to summarize myself to the best of my ability. My name is Neal, I am a HUGE bookworm (I am known for ALWAYS having something to read), I am currently fighting (quite successfully, so far) through the strange lands of high school. When I am not slaving away with homework, I am chipping away at the pile of books I have yet to read.

     As I sit cross-legged on the floor of my room, I am admittedly at a loss for anything to say. Is it the time? Nearly 10:30 at night. Is it the radio? The song (Turn the Page, Bob Seger) softly assaults my ears (wait, is it Metallica's cover of the song?). A slight ache emanates up and down my spine. Facebook is open, although I haven't checked it in a while. I glance towards the pile of books near my radio (now playing Heart- or Pat Benatar?). They call me, whispering sweet words of far-off worlds and experiences. The dunes of Arrakis, the infinite levels of the Dark Tower, the war-torn lands around Japanese-occupied Shanghai. I long to leave this world behind, to travel with Roland, Eddie, Jake, and Susannah throughout Mid-World and beyond, to sit down and listen to the many stories and decisions of the Council of Elrond, to wander the lonesome, beautiful western frontier. I jerk back to reality as a political ad declares something. I don't pay attention. Nearly 11:00 already. I need sleep- school tomorrow. Good night world.

Long days and pleasant nights, 

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