Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Authors I’d Like to Meet

      Who wouldn't like to have a long conversation with the people they admire? Ask them why and how they did what they did? Here's a list of authors I'd like to meet and talk with.

  1. Stephen King
  2. Michael Crichton
  3. J.R.R. Tolkien
  4. Louis L'Amour
  5. Zane Grey
  6. Ray Bradbury
  7. Douglas Adams
  8. J.G. Ballard
  9. Isaac Asimov
  10. Charles Dickens
What would I ask them? Here's another list.
  1. How did you find your love for and talent with writing?
  2. Where did you get the ideas for your stories?
  3. How do you feel about the success of your novels?
Long days and pleasant nights,

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