Saturday, October 27, 2012

A First-Edition Copy

      I have been recently reading Dune, a science-fiction novel first published in 1965, which I have borrowed. I also have borrowed a couple of the sequels- Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, and God Emperor of Dune. The copy I'm reading is the First Edition- straight from 1965. You can almost feel the age of the book in holding it, and it has that certain old-paper smell. I'm honestly hesitant to take it outside my bedroom but for its age- I don't want to damage such an old thing.

      Dune chronicles the actions of the Atreides house as they are forced to trade their Duchy over the planet Caladan for that over the planet Arrakis- a desert planet where water, essential for life, is a rare commodity. What does Arrakis have? Melange, a 'drug' of sorts that gives the user an extended life-span, heightened vitality, and increased awareness. The only drawback to Melange is in its addictive qualities, and withdrawal being fatal. It is the most valuable commodity throughout the galaxy, and is only found on Arrakis.
      The Harkonnen house forced the Atreides to move to this desert planet- their rivalry goes back millennia. The Harkonnens are rich, having worked their way up the ladder, while the Atreides are related to the Emperor of the Imperium by blood.

      The book itself is almost historical- being nearly 50 years since publication. The world has changed very much since the 60's, and I (being a history nerd) find everything from that era fascinating.

Long days and pleasant nights,

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