Monday, December 10, 2012

Overbooked With Books

      As is usual with me, I am reading several books at once. The Diary of Anne Frank, 11/22/63, Dune (I'm just now getting around to reading more of this), and Empire of the Sun. In addition, I have several books on my Christmas wishlist, which I outlined in an earlier post.

      I sit at the kitchen table, hot apple cider to my left, Dune and 11/22/63 to my right, wondering how I'll finish these four books by Christmas. Empire of the Sun is relatively close to being finished, so it should be easy to finish off by Christmas, but with the other three I am about halfway finished. What do I do? (I just downed the remaining third of my apple cider...)

     With a week and a half left of school before break, I'm trying to hope that I won't have too much homework, which will give me more time to read - but that probably won't happen. I didn't have any work today, as my government class went to see Lincoln. My second time seeing it: still just as amazing!

     Also, I should mention that I can't wait for the release of Stephen King's new book, Sleep Doctor, which is a sequel to The Shining. It should be awesome (just as anything done by King).

Long days and pleasant nights,

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